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NO. 1631 CH. 623


This is the bill allowing physicians to write a prescription for Naloxone for family and friends that went into effect on July 1, 2014.



ACT OF 2015


Any person who in good faith seeks medical assistance for a person experiencing or believed to be experiencing a drug overdose shall not be 

arrested, charged, or prosecuted SB 871 for a drug violation if the evidence for the arrest, charge, or prosecution of the drug violation resulted from seeking such medical assistance.

Tennessee Laws to Fight Opioid Abuse


In recent years, Tennessee policymakers have enacted a series of measures to combat the state's growing opioid problem...

Information for Naloxone


In July 2014, Tennessee became the 18th state to pass and support a "Good Samaritan" civil immunity law centered on the lifesaving medicine Naloxone. Naloxone, also known as NarcanTM, is an opioid antagonist that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. - See more at:

Pharmacy-Related Legislative Initiatives Passed in 2016


Detailed information about the provisions of the following new laws, including the ways each of them will affect pharmacy practice, can be found in the TPA Summary links provided in the article.

Senate Bill 806 Dickerson


As introduced, requires the commissioner of health to report to the senate health and welfare committee and the health committee of the house of representatives concerning issues relating to substance abuse and related behaviors and threats from diseases that present a significantly increasing threat to the public health


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