Prevention Alliance of Tennessee
The Prevention Alliance of Tennessee (PAT) is an alliance of coalitions across Tennessee who have come together to join forces on substance abuse prevention. The mission of PAT is to inform and advocate for alcohol safety, substance abuse prevention, and public health policy concerns to Tennesseans.
The PAT promotes policies and environmental change that facilitates substance abuse prevention across the state. We work to enhance the coordination and effectiveness of anti-drug coalitions across Tennessee, and to reduce substance use related consequences.
Director: Leah Festa

ASAC- Appalachian Substance Abuse Coalition for Prevention and Treatment
To inform and engage our communities to understand, own, and address the epidemic of substance abuse and misuse, as well as Safe, healthy, and prosperous communities with effective prevention, treatment, and support resources.

Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition
The Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition (RCADC) is a private, non-profit, grassroots corporation. The mission of RCADC is to reduce youth substance use; to educate and raise awareness of alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues; to promote community involvement; and to strengthen community partnerships and prevention strategies in Roane County.
Executive Director: Sarah Harrison

ASAP in Anderson County
The Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention is a coalition organized to prevent substance abuse in Anderson County, Tennessee. Established in 2008, the coalition received federal funding in 2010. The goals of the coalition are twofold: (1) to establish and strengthen collaboration among partner organizations in support of the community's effort to prevent and reduce substance abuse and (2) to reduce substance abuse among youth in Anderson County and over time, among adults by addressing the community issues that increase the risk of substance abuse and promoting the factors that minimize the risk of substance abuse.
Executive Director: Stephanie Strutner

Substance Abuse Prevention Action Team
The Substance Abuse Prevention Action Team addresses the challenge of reducing youth tobacco use, underage drinking and prescription medications. Partnerships with law enforcement and the National Guard have increased opportunities for education within the local school systems.

Carter County Drug Prevention Coalition
The Carter County Drug Free Coalition coalition was organized in November of 2006 when a committee charged with the task of finding why school test scores were low determined that youth substance abuse was a major contributing factor. The group then convened a community meeting to review the latest school survey data. There were about 60 community members in attendance at that first community forum. These participants were asked to sign up to be a part of a Drug Task Force and begin efforts to address the identified problems. From the beginning, the focus of the group was what infrastructure to put in place and what strategies, programs, or efforts would make a difference.
Director: Jilian Reece

Metro Drug Coalition
The Metropolitan Drug Commission is a non-profit organization that serves as the drug abuse prevention, professional training and public awareness arm of Knoxville and Knox County. Metro Drug Coalition provides substance abuse prevention resources for families, teachers, businesses, faith leaders and physicians in Knoxville. We are the only local non-profit solely dedicated to evidence-based drug prevention.
Director: Karen Pershing

Coffee County Anti-Drug Coalition
Coffee County Anti-Drug Coalition's mission is tfo create, support, and maintain a safe, healthy and drug-free community.
Executive Director: Kristina Clark

Insight Alliance of Washington County
We accomplish that mission by developing and implementing strategies that change the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the community through a collaborative network with the goal to
Prevent the onset and reduce the progression of substance use, including underage drinking
Reduce substance related problems
Build prevention capacities and infrastructure in Washington County