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WBIR to Hold Drug Take-Back Event in Clinton on Nov. 14

WBIR is inviting the public to turn in old and unwanted medication during a take-back event set for Tuesday, Nov. 14.

The take-back, which will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Clinton Police Department, is part of the station's effort to raise awareness about the opioid crisis in East Tennessee.

Tennessee is seeing a similar increase across the state. The outbreak is blamed on abuse of prescription pills and heroin and exposure to the deadly effects of fentanyl.

If you can't make it to the event, you can find a drug drop of location near you here

Unused and unwanted prescription medications are an invitation for trouble. Curious children might end up taking them out of ignorance or as an experiment. Unused drugs are also theft targets

If you no longer need a prescription medication in the house, experts advise it's better to remove it.

Take-backs are a safe way to do just that.

Other area cities and law enforcement agencies also occasionally hold drug take-backs.

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